On: October 31, 2022


This farmer’s market season has been quite the journey. We added a variety of new food and craft vendors; outstanding local musicians and food trucks joined us. We brought back themed markets, gave away 1 ton of pet food and toys, hosted several interactive workout classes, and featured over 20 women/minority-owned businesses.  None of this could have been done without the continued support of our community. We have a fantastic team of dedicated volunteers who showed up rain or shine. Without their help, this season would not have been possible.


We would also like to thank all of the local neighborhood associations. Whether volunteering or simply sharing our social media posts, we are incredibly grateful to have had your support this season. We would also like to thank our farmer’s market assistant Mark Diodato; Mark has been a part of the farmer’s market for many years, and his feedback and experience were precious. Lastly, we must thank everyone who shopped at the farmer’s market; your continued support of the farmers market will allow us to make the market more extensive and better next season.