On: February 8, 2014

visioning report cover thumbnailAt our community visioning meeting in November 2013, we said that we would share our findings with the community as we continue working toward our strategic plan. We’ve created a report that outlines what we heard at the visioning meeting, how we synthesized the feedback we received, and where we plan to go from here. For more information and to download the report, click here. You can also download the report by clicking on the image on the left.

As we continue working toward a strategic plan for SMAMS, we hope you’ll stay involved and keep the feedback coming! We recognize that one meeting can’t possibly represent the entire community. Rather, this document is one step toward a long-term plan for SMAMS, and we welcome your input at any time. Email us (office@smams.org), call us (617-825-3846), or strike up a conversation at one of our local businesses. You can also find us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/SMAMSpage) and Twitter (@SmamsOffice). We look forward to hearing from you!

Thanks again for your support of SMAMS, your participation in our strategic planning process, and your dedication to this amazing neighborhood we call home.