On: January 24, 2014

Hello friends and neighbors, As a direct result of the Community Visioning Meeting SMAMS had in November, we’ve decided to change our committee structure to better reflect the future work of St. Mark’s Area Main Street. Below is a list of the new SMAMS committees – including an initial meeting date/time and contact person. We hope you will participate. This is a great opportunity to help set the course for the work these committees will do in 2014!

If you are interested in learning about a committee but can’t attend the meeting, please let us know by emailing the contact person or emailing/calling Meaghan in the SMAMS office (office@smams.org, 617-825-3846). Feel free to pass this information along to your neighborhood listservs, friends, and neighbors. The more the merrier!

Note: all of these initial meetings will take place in the SMAMS office, 1914 Dorchester Ave.

District Beautification: Monday, February 10, 6:30pm Contacts: Tim Deihl (deihlre@gmail.com) or Christa Lee-Chuvala (cleechuvala@gmail.com)

Fundraising and Promotion: Tuesday, February 11, 6:30pm Contact: Len Osborne (leonardosborne@comcast.net) * This committee is working on planning this year’s Oscars on the Avenue fundraiser.

Community Events and Public Space: Thursday, February 13, 6:30pm
Contacts: Steve Datish (sdatish@gmail.com) or Steve Wilkins (rcsw6@aol.com)
Local Business Development and Recruitment: Wednesday, February 26, 6:30pm
Contact: Jim Buckley (historybuckley@yahoo.com)

Development and Historic Preservation: Wednesday, March 12, 7:30pm (second Wednesday of each month) Contact: Jack Pelletier (jackpelletier@yahoo.com)