On: April 24, 2015

All Saints Ashmont Restoration Project Tour

All Saints, Ashmont. Tower entry porch detail.








Saturday, May 9, 11am-12:30pm
209 Ashmont Street, Dorchester MA (map)

The Parish of All Saints and Saint Mark’s Area Main Streets (SMAMS) invite you to Dorchester’s historic Peabody Square for a post-restoration tour of All Saints’ Church, led by parishioner and SMAMS Board member Jeffrey Gonyeau.

Listed on the National Register, All Saints is the first church designed by Ralph Adams Cram and profoundly influenced American church design in the Gothic Revival style. After four years of planning and twenty-two months of construction, the comprehensive rehabilitation of the church and Parish House has resulted in a dramatic transformation of these iconic structures.

The tour will begin in the church parking lot at 209 Ashmont Street.

Free and open to the public, but space is limited. RSVP below or by emailing office@smams.org: