On: April 8, 2021
We are excited to collaborate with Alexander Golob and Teresa Maynard to bring Around the Table Community Cookbook to Greater Ashmont this summer!
Around The Table is a project exploring the intersection of food, art, and identity to build community, elevate marginalized experiences and enjoy great food!
A public and permanent interactive recipe wall and mural will be installed at 1735 Dorchester Ave this coming July. Leading up to the mural creation Around the Table will host monthly live virtual cooking events with each chef that will be featured in the mural.
The first virtual story-telling potuck features Ruby Chan owner of Fresh Zen on Friday April 9 from 6:00-8:00pm. Register now for this free event via eventbrite or via facebook.
Keep a lookout for a future Around the Table chef event featuring GAMS Local Chef Nino BarBalance of Zia Gianna!
Follow the project and it’s creators on Instagram:

@food.art.stories | @alexandergolobart @sweetteezbakery