This meeting of the Beautification and Publics Spaces Committee is particularly significant because it will feature:
* An update on the sidewalk planters program expansion
* Review of public art efforts for the district, including our recent Marcelo Ment mural, the utility box painting project, and a visitor from the Mayor’s Mural Crew, looking at more mural sites for July/August
* Starting at 7pm, a presentation from the team assembled by COGdesign for their suggested vision for the further enhancements of Peabody Square plazas outside the Ashmont Grill and around the Clock — Several years ago now, the City of Boston and several community partners put in significant work to redesign Peabody Square and create some gorgeous public spaces. Due to lack of funding, some parts of the vision were never achieved, and others have been compromised by plant failure or other maintenance concerns. After public community visioning in 2013/14, Greater Ashmont Main Street is now poised to make a major capital investment ($35 -$50,000) in furniture, informational signage, and refreshed landscaping for the plazas outside of the Ashmont Grill and around the Peabody Square Clock, using pro bono design services coordinated through COGdesign. Join us Tuesday to hear the initial recommendations.
Light dinner provided from Seabreeze.
Meets monthly on the Fourth Tuesday at 6:30pm in the SMAMS Offices
Co-Chaired by Erica Mattison & Leslie MacKinnon
Works to foster a clean, vibrant, inviting business district by implementing clean streets initiatives, improving and ensuring maintenance of open/green space, increasing and promoting public art, and partnering with business owners to create welcoming storefronts.
* Seeking landscape designers, artists, gardeners, and sustainability advocates to:
* Develop public art and streetscape projects throughout the district
* Organize SMAMS cleanups, coordinate participation in planting efforts and Boston Shines
* Work with the City of Boston and the MBTA to maintain the public spaces in Peabody Square
* Enhance sustainability efforts (recycling, green infrastructure, etc.)